1741 Square Feet Round Home Design With 3 Bedrooms


The round house design features bedroom with desk, efficient kitchen designs . The house design is as spacious as it is space age. And because of the rotation of the house, views from the sofa, dining table vary constantly, offering glimpses of rolling farmland.

Image credit:www.bloglovin.com

General Details
Total Area : 1741 Square Feet
Type:Round Design
Bedroom :3

For more info about this elevation and plan, contact
S.I. Consultants
Agra, U.P, India
Ph: 91 8899106699
Email:[email protected]

Easy to Build and Easy to Maintain House

We understand that most of the people have dream to have a simple life. If you are also looking for a round house design that is easy to build and also maintain then take our plan now. Our house designs are very nice with everything they need to live comfortably.

Door designs  and windows designs  are important part of house, because a well-designed window and door create beautiful openings that enhance views and allow maximum light to enter. The layouts of furniture are given just for suggestions to make it easier to visualize the final home. Placing the furniture is important in small houses to make sure everything fits as planned.



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