Beautiful Home Plan Below 10 Lakhs Everyone Will Like


We are famous for custom-oriented and affordable houses. Here, people get practically unlimited customizable choices that are really beyond of thought. And, this mission to deliver the best home at most affordable price. And our home plan below 10 lakhs is going to shock you.

Home plan below 10 lakhs

We are very happy to see that in the present time where it is very tough to survive everything is costly, we are able to deliver home under 10 lakh that liked by all. Because we understand to have own home is desire of every person but some time situation and sometime financial problem become stone in this way. We cannot solve your every problem related to owning a house but as far as matter concern about money yes, we can help you.

Come to us, here you will get desired home with latest design and proper placement of each room including 3 bedrooms, three toilet, kitchen, dining etc. This 1000 square feet single floor is a master piece that makes people surprised when people come to know about the cost as it is under 10 lakh. Go ahead and get your own house with us.

kerala house plans specifications
Total Area : 1000 sq. ft.
Bedroom : 3
Bathroom : 3

Given home facilities in this indian house plan in kerala style
Car Porch
Sit Out
Living room
Dining room and family sitting room
Attached dress and bathroom
Common toilet
Store Area
Work Area


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