Splendid and Stylish Double Storey Villa


We believe that the real estate industry in country will witness major changes in the favor of the client, and also we are geared up to that is already. Here, transparency is our forte. We are very glad to say that we have the most experience and expertise team that has been growing rapidly with every going years, the whole team is very talented. Being a leading company our vision is clearly defined and we are aiming to be one of the most leading construction companies in India. Here, for your house planning we have a complete and systematic way of make the things that our client wants. Here, we have seen a distinct role unleash its latent potential and at present we have developed ourselves as the most leading home building company.

Because of our strong domain knowledge and diverse professional talent as well world class exposure, we are looking to grow with the country.   You will be happy to know that our company is the pool of expert professionals from various backgrounds and field who have knowledge as well as years of experience and this perfect combination of experience and knowledge enable us to something different and unique. And this is the reason that we have set up a new standards in terms of quality and customer service.

Home Plan Specifications

Construction Cost:35 lakhs
Square feet:1756sqft
Bedrooms : 3
Bathroom  : 3
Living Room
Dining Room
Sit out
Car Porch
Work Area

Ground Floor is designed in 1016Sq.Ft

  • Living room
  • Dining Hall
  • 1 Bedrooms
  • 2 Toilets
  • Kitchen
  • Stair

First Floor is designed in 740SQFT

  • Balcony
  • Upper living
  • 2 Bedroom
  • 2 Attached Toilet


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